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How Promotable Are You? 5 Key Elements to Accelerate Your Corporate Career

5/14/20: How promotable are you? Being promotable can fast track your career. It means you have skills that are highly sought after and valued in your current or a future role. When you possess these skills it means you’re at the top of your game -- and that gives you better career choices.

Join executive coach Amii Barnard-Bahn as she walks you through the five key elements of promotability possessed by corporate leaders – and sought out by management teams when deciding who to promote and invest in as leaders.

After attending this webinar, you will understand:

  • The five key elements of promotability – what they are and why they make you a more effective, valuable leader

  • How to assess your strengths and opportunities

  • Specific actions you can take to increase your progress in each area, and how to create a development checklist with next steps to advance your career


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