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Celebrating the Sheroes this month

International Women’s Day may be over but all of March is Women’s History Month which gives us the opportunity to celebrate successful women, or sheroes. A shero is defined as a woman admired or idealized for her courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.

While the term was coined in the 1800s and described female heroes during the suffrage movement, we believe that today, a shero can be any woman supporting diversity and showing a strong character and sense of herself. These women encourage and push other women to be their best selves. Sheroes fight for gender equality and can be found in any culture and age group.

To help you become your own shero, FTD has gathered nine tips from empowered women to set you in the right direction. From strong mother figures who overcame adversity while remaining compassionate and caring women to “Me Too” activists who have inspired thousands of women to speak up about sexual harassment or assault, the sheroes in this list have certainly earned their title.

Start small by letting these tips inspire you to become more like the women you admire and thank the sheroes in your life for leading by example this International Women’s History Month:

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